Lennox Computer LILAC Business Software
8/14 Ashtan Place, BANYO 4014
Brisbane, Australia
ERP Business Accounting Software
Distribution, Manufacturing, Timber
eMail: call for enquiry eMail
Phone: 0418 886 912
Est. 1980
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LILAC Metal & Steel - Fabrication Accounting Software
LILAC ERP Software provides extensive features for metal industry applications - distribution, wholesale, retail - integrated with any selection of fabrication and manufacturing activities.

Combining manufacturing and accounting functions - Estimates, Quotes, Work Orders, and Sales Invoice generation - provides fabricators with a comprehensive, whole of enterpise, production and accounting management tool - monitoring business activity from procurement to stock accountability, through order placement, manufacturing, sales, and freight.
Whole of Enterprise Integration
LILAC is tailored to suit businesses and organisations of all sizes, centralising operations to an accounting ledger, integrating the management of business processes.

Manufactured Product
Work Centre
Data Collection
& Live Display
Purchase Order
Sales Order
Barcode Scan
Product & Material Use
Work Centre 2
Barcode Scan
Product & Material Use
Work Centre 1
Purchase Invoice
Sales Invoice
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
General Ledger
Picking, Packing, Freight
Work Order
Bill of Materials
Of a certain length.
At a price per tonne.
Prices extended and costed with instant quantity and unit of measure conversion.
Stored sequences: Estimate through to Tax Invoice
Manufacturing Link
Sales Analysis Reporting
Stock Account
A typical example of a LILAC Stock Account document which establishes the parameters of an individual part or product.

Each stock account has a open-ended history of transactions - purchases sales, transfers, production etc.
Comprehensive dynamic stock status
16 character alpha-numeric product code (part number)
Stock Control Parameters
Cost & selling price flexibility
Provision for EAN-13 barcode
Supplier Tracking
Shipping Dimensions
Photo or CAD derived images
Lennox Computer - 07 3267 7880
Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
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